Loosen up!

I will never understand why it is that a man who is a man will subject himself willingly to strangulation. Policemen, military men, hit men, forest rangers and citified men in business suits . . . they all do it, but why in the hell wear a tie? What is it about you guys? Don’t think I haven’t asked. I have. I’ve asked police chiefs, sheriffs, and military officers, cowboys and white collar workers. “Why do you do it?” “Because.” Just because? Really? So as not to be as ignorant as the men-friends, I Googled the history of neck ties. Did … Continue reading Loosen up!

Blood Cries, “Murder Most Fowl!”

Today’s word prompt from the Daily Post is reprieve. Well, I thought I knew what that word was , but after taking a look at Webster’s just to make sure, I had to rethink my angle on it. So that the reader is just as certain, here’s the skinny: Reprieve 1:  to delay the punishment of (someone, such as a condemned prisoner) 2:  to give relief or deliverance to for a time Yes, I could talk about a man who is in jail for the murder of two people who was supposed to be punished by death but . . . … Continue reading Blood Cries, “Murder Most Fowl!”

Symptoms of the Lack of . . .

Today’s Daily Prompt is Symptom. I have a book that I treasure, one that includes a list of vitamins and minerals and has a list of symptoms that can indicate what vitamin or mineral is missing in their daily health regime. Along with that list is a list of foods and herbs rich in those particular nutrients. I refer to the lists in that book often. I used to see, back in the 1980s, those lists on large, attractive posters upon the walls of various pharmaceutical outlets. Those days are long gone. The industry would rather, now, to keep people in the dark. … Continue reading Symptoms of the Lack of . . .

What if I go blind?

This post is in regards to the Daily Prompt: Acceptance, while knowing I will fight. Hello readers, It’s been a while since I wrote anything anywhere because my eyeballs hurt. After finishing up a book for a client I finally went to see the eye doctor and not only has my prescription (for glasses) changed, my optic nerve disintegrated over these last twelve months in the same way that someone’s would if they had experienced a recent hard blow to the back of the head, which I most certainly did not. (Although my eye-pressure is pretty normal.) New glasses came in and, … Continue reading What if I go blind?

Americans are Not All Immigrants

2/3/17 There are updates to this post since last night It has been bugging me that so many seem to have forgotten. These past few weeks I’ve heard over and over again about America being a nation that is made up wholly of immigrants. Everyone knows that is not so. That, to me, is what’s currently referred to in American politics as an “altered fact.” It probably wouldn’t have bothered me except there are all those news people shouting that “words count” and everyone from everywhere demanding foreigners have immediate access to the USA and all the fighting about “proper vetting.” Don’t … Continue reading Americans are Not All Immigrants

Under-reported News and Some Options

I am so angry at the “major news” stations that either under-report or don’t report at all about news around the world and within the USA that is of major importance to thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people everywhere. I had a hard time sleeping last night and took to the Internet to see if I could discover why and there it was, covered by The Watchers website. Hurricane Otto. We have some dear friends living in Costa Rica and after reading about Otto (and the 7. quake that happened just north of there) I wasted no time sending … Continue reading Under-reported News and Some Options

Letter to Donald Trump for Help in Fleshing Out a Character within My Fiction Novel

November 15, 2016 Note to readers: the following letter was originally written in August 2014. It has nothing to do with current politics. It was never mailed. You are welcome to share your thoughts on my questions. I’ve spent 2 1/2 Nanowrimos on this fiction novel so far. I wasn’t able to participate this November and sorely miss the opportunity. But I do want to thank all the writers over there for their help during previous years. Here was/is my “working title and cover.” It’s just something, you know, something. I kept this letter to Donald Trump within my notes because … Continue reading Letter to Donald Trump for Help in Fleshing Out a Character within My Fiction Novel