Editorial Calendars

This is for Day 4’s assignment:Give ‘Em What They Want. Looking at my Insights page, I see that (so far,) my readers frequent my pages on Writing, Life Stories, and Photography. I think I’m on the right track for my readers. Yet in giving my readers what they want, I’ve come up with a few ideas. I made a blogging calendar in Excel. It’s from Aug. 2015 through Dec. 2016. Here’s a shot of it for August. I have yet to fill in any blanks, including dates, or pasting the template in the other months, (with little graphic changes for … Continue reading Editorial Calendars

My Thanks to Fellow Writers

I’d like to thank all the writers on Nanowrimo 2013 and 2014 for helping me in my research. I might not have done a lot of story writing these past two years (on this novel) but I did accomplish a lot more research for it. My fictional story takes place in the Middle East (between the Black Sea and northern Africa) around 3,ooo B.C. This is an area so full of history that I’d love to visit it, but presently, I can only do so through the experiences of others who’ve been or are there. I still have a lot … Continue reading My Thanks to Fellow Writers