July 15, 2015—Incredible things have happened during the past 40 days of my life, both good and bad. A Loved one I hadn’t heard from in years wrote me a hello, I remember and think about you. It’s warming. It’s like sipping hot spiced wine next to a fire while watching snowflakes drift and swirl outside. A Loved one passed on, perhaps upon the day I called and left his family a message. My call was close, real close, anyway.  I was thinking of them . . . of him. This loss is raw. Is there a class that teaches … Continue reading LOVE CONQUERS TIME

Memory Full

Memory Full By Leneé Cobb One must be sure to get inside the carved grooves of this wooden box when dusting. Inside all the ornately carved flowers that decorate the lid, there used to be a picture of an English cottage in the summertime that invited you to visit, if only through a daydream. This is the only thing I have left that belonged to my Grandma and Grandpa Williams. I open it. The small north window of the old garage is filthy, except for where someone rubbed a small circle. Dust motes swirl within the miniscule beam of sunlight … Continue reading Memory Full