Writing 101 Day 2

Assignment: Today, choose a place to which you’d like to be transported if you could — and tell us the backstory. How does this specific location affect you? Is it somewhere you’ve been, luring you with the power of nostalgia, or a place you’re aching to explore for the first time? The Stray Sod As we climb out from inside the cavernous roots of the cedar tree, we must be careful not to slip. The bark is slick with moisture. The air outside is thick with rising sap, worm-turned earth, river spray, and sweet fern. Only when one bends down … Continue reading Writing 101 Day 2

Life Stories Session Two

This week was fun and enlightening. We spoke of shadow people. (See the post here.) And we also were entertained by a someone well able to handle the limelight, Jean Cameron. Jean is our resident Storyteller, a woman gifted in the art of storytelling in front of an audience. She delighted us with her grandfather’s tale of elves and lollypop mines. For her to share this tale on St. Paddy’s Day was perfect. She made me think of my own grandpa, Candygarden and the game of Candyland. It’s spring. Let’s make sure to plant some sweet magic of our own. … Continue reading Life Stories Session Two