Grandma Monkey

Today’s photo challenge is “friend.” Monkey Kitty This photo was taken around 1983. My three-year-old son and I chose her from the pound in Tacoma. We didn’t have a crate to bring her home in so she’d gotten loose from the small box the Humane Society handed her to us i after I was already travelling north in I-5. We’d just past the relatively new Tacoma Dome when she exited the box and found her way beneath my feet. I was in the fast lane and it was rush hour and there was a utility truck that, I noticed too … Continue reading Grandma Monkey

Blood Cries, “Murder Most Fowl!”

Today’s word prompt from the Daily Post is reprieve. Well, I thought I knew what that word was , but after taking a look at Webster’s just to make sure, I had to rethink my angle on it. So that the reader is just as certain, here’s the skinny: Reprieve 1:  to delay the punishment of (someone, such as a condemned prisoner) 2:  to give relief or deliverance to for a time Yes, I could talk about a man who is in jail for the murder of two people who was supposed to be punished by death but . . . … Continue reading Blood Cries, “Murder Most Fowl!”

The Companionship of a Stranger

Today’s Word Prompt from the Daily Post: Marathon. The meaning I’m using is : Any long and arduous undertaking. The more difficult something is to endure, the more vulnerable we are,  that is when safety in companionship really can make a difference, even when it comes from a stranger. Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. —Psalms 63:7 I held a wild bird again today. I held him for a long time after finding him sitting up, bewildered, inside our wheelbarrow. He’d slammed into our front-room window and knocked himself for a doozy. I … Continue reading The Companionship of a Stranger

Lil’ Rebel

The days assignment from the Daily Post: Transcript: For this week’s challenge, preserve something ephemeral by transforming it. . . . So let’s define “transcribing” as broadly as possible: you could share an old photo from your childhood album, or snap a photo of a handwritten note from your best friend when you were 11. Record yourself singing a tune that hasn’t made it to iTunes, draw a sketch of your favorite room in your grandparents’ house, or simply write down a memorable conversation that would otherwise be lost to time. I can’t wait to see what you dig up … Continue reading Lil’ Rebel

Night Shift

We’re camped at a place called Graves Creek. It’s midnight. The lantern glow and diminishing campfire flames, the nearby rush of river with rising shadows of mountains I can barely discern above silhouetted tree tops, and the oxygen-rich air of this rain-forest valley conspire to keep me awake by offering me an experience too wonderful to miss should I sleep. A Lunar moth with a body the size of cigar, its wings spanning at least six inches, flutters, heavily, to the lantern light.  It bounces against the lantern base, bumps the cedar tree, and then, with wobbling flight, continues its … Continue reading Night Shift