Blood Moon: Part 3

I was driving too slow, as far as my husband was concerned, for the people behind me. What he didn’t get was the fact that his height and my lack of it makes a huge difference in a pilots – I mean drivers – confidence in navigating around hairpin turns with steep drop offs on narrow logging roads with deep ruts. Oh, and did I mention my very real lack of depth perception? It takes a while for my eyes to adjust to any movement, seconds really, but there is a delay between my brain and my eyeballs. My eyes … Continue reading Blood Moon: Part 3

Blood Moon: Part 2

We reached the clear-cut and thankfully there was no fog. The view of Sequim Bay and the Strait of Juan de Fuca was remarkable. Navy blue clothed the foothills to our west and northwest, turning the dark green forestlands into opaque silhouettes against the fading cobalt sky. Twinkling lights from rural farms and John Wayne Marina made the lowlands look as if eastern fireflies were visiting wee folk down below. But I was the driver and my job was to keep us on the road. “Wow, this is beautiful,” commented our friend. I turned the headlights on once we reached … Continue reading Blood Moon: Part 2

Blood Moon: Part 1

I brought up the idea to go out and witness the Super Blood Moon to my husband early in the afternoon. He’s not one to stay up and watch things like auroras or eclipses because he gets up so early and these things too often take place during the wee morning hours but, because this was to be an early event, even though he’d miss a football game, he said, “I’ll think about it. But why can’t we watch it from here?” “We won’t be able to watch it from here because the moon won’t rise above the mountain until … Continue reading Blood Moon: Part 1