Editorial Calendars

This is for Day 4’s assignment:Give ‘Em What They Want.

Looking at my Insights page, I see that (so far,) my readers frequent my pages on Writing, Life Stories, and Photography. I think I’m on the right track for my readers. Yet in giving my readers what they want, I’ve come up with a few ideas.

I made a blogging calendar in Excel. It’s from Aug. 2015 through Dec. 2016. Here’s a shot of it for August.

Blogging Calendar by A Writer's Helper
Blogging Calendar by A Writer’s Helper

I have yet to fill in any blanks, including dates, or pasting the template in the other months, (with little graphic changes for the seasons,) but I’ll have to come back to that as time permits.

What I’m wondering is if any readers:

1. Have any suggestions that would make it better?
2. Would like to have one of these?

If you would like one of these, you can click here and send me an email.

I’ll be making some calendars up for Nanowrimo this year too. (See a few I made up for last year here: NanCal) I can see what I can do to get you one.

Please put “Blogging Calendar” or “2015 Nano Calendar” in the subject line.

I don’t know how to set up a “downloads page” and am not sure when I can take some time to learn about how to do that. Meanwhile, I created these in Excel 2010 and could email them out and hope they come through okay.

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